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Learning Greek: E-course for Beginners A1-A2.1
Introduction to the Course – Εισαγωγή
Introduction (1:59)
Unit 1: Τhe letters of the Alphabet - Τα Γράμματα
In a nutshell
Unit 1 - The Alphabet (7:06)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 2: The digraphs - Δίφθογγοι
In a nutshell
The digraphs (6:00)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Unit 3: The stress mark – Ο Τόνος
In a nutshell
The stress mark (2:23)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Unit 4: The definite article - Το οριστικό άρθρο
In a nutshell
The definite article (2:41)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 5: The indefinite article - Tο αόριστο άρθρο
In a nutshell
The definite article (1:26)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 6: The genders of the nouns -Τα γένη των ουσιαστικών
In a nutshell
The genders of the nouns (2:31)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Unit 7: The prepositions – Οι προθέσεις
In a nutshell
The prepositions (2:41)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 8: The numbers – Οι αριθμοί
In a nutshell
The numbers (4:32)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Unit 9: The personal pronouns – Οι προσωπικές αντωνυμίες
In a nutshell
The personal pronouns (3:55)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Unit 10: The verb ‘to be’ - Το ρήμα ‘είμαι’
In a nutshell
The verb ‘to be’ (3:08)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Unit 11: The nouns – Τα ουσιαστικά
In a nutshell
The nouns (12:47)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Unit 12: The adjectives – Τα επίθετα
In a nutshell
The adjectives (6:16)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 13: The adverbs – Τα επιρρήματα
In a nutshell
The adverbs (3:02)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Unit 14: The adjective & adverb ‘πολύς’ – To επίθετο & επίρρημα ‘πολύς’
In a nutshell
The adjective & adverb ‘πολύς’ (6:28)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 15: Present tense verbs – Ρήματα στον Ενεστώτα
In a nutshell
Present tense verbs (8:34)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Unit 16: The basic syntax – Η βασική σύνταξη (SVO)
In a nutshell
The basic syntax (8:44)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Unit 17: Past simple verbs – Ρήματα στον Αόριστο
In a nutshell
Past simple verbs (12:56)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Unit 18: Future simple verbs & Irregular verbs – Ρήματα στον Απλό Μέλλοντα & ανώμαλα ρήματα
In a nutshell
Future simple verbs & Irregular verbs (9:06)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Unit 19: Building sentences – Φτιάχνω προτάσεις
In a nutshell
Building sentences (4:54)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 20: Subjunctive Simple – Απλή Υποτακτική
In a nutshell
Subjunctive Simple (5:23)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 21: Imperative Simple – Απλή Προστακτική
In a nutshell
Imperative Simple (3:21)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Unit 22: Irregular verbs – Ανώμαλα ρήματα (with Imperative)
In a nutshell
Irregular verbs (0:41)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Unit 23: Small talk - Συζήτηση
In a nutshell
Small talk (13:39)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Unit 24: Passive voice – Παθητική Φωνή
In a nutshell
Passive voice (11:51)
Material (in PDF)
Study the Vocabulary
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
The Final Flourish: Your Bonus Vocabulary
Closing - Thank you!
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The personal pronouns
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